MTN Ashantifest Invitational provides truckload of excitements to golfers and patrons

MTN Ashantifest Invitational provided a truckload of excitements to golfers and patrons at the Royal Golf Club, Kumasi on Saturday September 25. The event attracted a heavy field of golfers who competed for the sizzling trophies and exciting prizes that were up for grabs. When it mattered most, Abubakar Nafiu combined great approach shots and…

MTN Invitational Sterling Edition ends with Christopher Mbii as the Tiger in the Woods

The MTN Invitational Sterling Edition has ended successfully at the Achimota Golf Club where Christopher Mbii finished as the Tiger in the Woods in the Men’s Silver Group following his sterling performance of returning 41 points off handicap 2. Christopher won on countback after beating Church Ansah who ended is campaign with 41 points off…